Kinesthetic Response

Most people find the Muscle Testing (AKA Kinesthetic Response) the most difficult to understand. Muscle testing is a relatively new tool that many Chiropractors, Naturopaths, Acupuncturists, etc. also use. The frequencies in Homeopathic remedies are so strong that even holding them I’ve had clients feel a reaction. If you are uncomfortable with me testing by Kinesthetic response there are other options for me to find what your body needs prescribed. (Please advise me to use other means if necessary.) Also, below is an explanation to how it works:

The science behind Muscle Testing:

In 1964, Dr. Goodheart observed what many other scientists, engineers, and theorists were already confirming that there is indeed a bio-electric field in the body.

Scientists like Paul Weiss, Harold Saxon Burr, and Leonard Ravitz were investigating the medical and therapeutic implications of a bio-electric field as early as the 1930s.

Muscle Reflex Testing is used to evaluate the body through muscle resistance techniques to detect biochemical imbalances.

Dr. Goodheart observed that sometimes an imbalance becomes so extreme that the body’s natural self-healing abilities are inhibited, and the body’s balance or imbalance, health or disease, comes through its muscles.

Your fascia is similar to the meridian system.

When Dr. Goodheart was making his discoveries, Western physicians were just beginning to notice entire planes of fascia within the body.

Scientists have found that fascia is arranged along planes within the body. What is astounding is that these fascial planes are incredibly similar to acupuncture meridians.

Manual muscle testing “listens” to the body.

By working with the same bio-electric field that scientists are still seeking to fully understand, as well as the extensive network of fascia within the body, we are able to see which remedies can strengthen the body.